gym workout Summary 2/11-2/15
On Instagram last week I took a poll to see how many of you wanted me to start sharing my gym workouts and the response was almost 100% yes! So here we are, as promised, I am going to start sharing a weekly summary of my strength training. Now in a few months, my weekly workouts wont look like this. As I get further into marathon training, the intensity and frequency of my lifting will go down (I will do more body weight movements and stability work) as my miles increase, but for now it is lots of heavy lifting for me!
Monday, February 11th
I took my first 60 minute SoulCycle Class and it was a blast! I forgot how it takes some getting used to after not taking spin for a few years, my butt was SO sore from that darn seat.
Tuesday, February 12th
Warm up with 25 air squats
Circuit 1 (repeat 4x)
1x 15 front squat (65#)
3x 10 front squat (95#)
3x 15 high pull (25# plate)
15 pliè squats (25# plate)
Circuit 2 (repeat 4x)
12 (each leg) bulgarian split squat (20# dumbbell)
10 (each side) unilateral shoulder press (20# dumbbell)
Wednesday, February 13th
Circuit 1 (repeat 4x)
12 seated rows (60#)
20 tricep dips
Circuit 2 (repeat 3x)
15 (lat) cable pull downs
15 tricep pull downs
Circuit 3 (repeat 3x)
10 (each arm) dumbbell (DB) unilateral bent over row (with one arm isometric hold) {25#)
12 DB tricep extensions (25#)
Thursday, February 14th
Circuit 1 (repeat 3x)
10 (each leg) weighted step ups
10 (each leg) single leg dead lift
Circuit 2 (repeat 3x)
10 (each leg) weighted lunges
20 SDHL (sumo deadlift high pull)
Circuit 3 (repeat 3x)
20 weighted glute raises (65# barbell)
20 (each leg) side step ups
Friday, February 15th
AMRAP- 25 minutes
10 burpees
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
40 squats
50 mountain clumbers
Hi, I’m Bethany!
I’m a mom of four who thrives on coffee and exercise. I am saved by Grace and happily married to my best friend, Jon. Here I hope you find community and inspiration for fitness and…life. I am happy you are here!
Let’s connect on Instagram!