My Daily Skincare Routine
I may earn monetary or product compensation from companies mentioned in this post. All words and ideas are my own; thank you for supporting BFD and making it possible for me to provide you new and exciting content and workouts.
I get asked almost daily about my skincare routine, so I figured it was time to create a post about it. If you have been following me any amount of time, then you know that I do not share anything that I am not passionate about, or that I don’t believe in. None of these products are partnerships or sponsored, they are just products that I have found that are affordable and work great for me!
My skin type is a combination of dry and oily and the combo of these products seem to do the trick and help keep my acne under control. In college I struggled with adult acne, BAD! I felt like I tried every product under the sun, yet nothing worked. I think what finally helped was both getting older and having kids (which changed my hormones), along with fueling my body with proper nutrients and hydration.
I believe that food can be medicine or poison and we have the choice how we want to fuel our body. The last 10 years I have eaten a diet that consists of “real foods”. Foods like fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, lean meats, real butter and cream and TONS of water. I believe that this lifestyle has really played a part in clearing up my skin.
My morning skincare routine starts with TULA Probiotic Purifying Face Cleanser followed by CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion with SPF. Then I put on my make up as usual. At night I use the same cleanser followed by Vitamin E Oil by Kate Blanc. 3 times a week I use No7 Total Renewal Micro-Dermabrasion Exfoliator to help brighten my skin tone and remove any dead skin.
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Hi, I’m Bethany!
I’m a mom of four who thrives on coffee and exercise. I am saved by Grace and happily married to my best friend, Jon. Here I hope you find community and inspiration for fitness and…life. I am happy you are here!
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