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the fit mama stroller workout {run + strength}

I may earn monetary or product compensation from companies mentioned in this post. All words and ideas are my own; thank you for supporting BFD and making it possible for me to provide you new and exciting content and workouts.

having little one’s can make it difficult to get your workout in. they go through the phase where they WILL NOT go in the kid’s club at the gym, or they want to crawl all over you while you’re trying to get your workout done in the living room while they play. yes, there is nap time, but sometimes we need that time to eat a meal while sitting down, or relax and catch up on a show, or maybe actually switch the laundry to the dryer that we have been re-washing for days.

balancing fitness and motherhood isn’t always easy but putting a fussy, teething baby in the stroller and getting outside can be a life saver!

a few weeks ago we traded our BOB Revolution Flex Duallie, which we had for almost five years, for the single BOB Revolution Flex Jogger. it is still hard for me to believe that i only have one child out of four that is small enough for a stroller! (where does time go?). the duallie served us well on many adventures and miles of running, there were many times i would pile three kids on and head out for a run or workout.

we love being outside, so a few times a week when the brothers are in school Nora and i grab the jogger and head outside for a workout.

complete 21-15-9 repetitions of each exercise with a 400m run between each round.

walking lunges

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standing leg kicks

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tricep dips

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standing abductors

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air squats

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here are more of my free workouts!




Hi, I’m Bethany!

I’m a mom of four who thrives on coffee and exercise. I am saved by Grace and happily married to my best friend, Jon. Here I hope you find community and inspiration for fitness and…life. I am happy you are here!

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